Traditional treatment of kidney tumors is removal of the entire kidney. However, as a result of the recent surgical advances, currently only the cancerous portion of the kidney is removed in tumors smaller than 4cm size. The remaining portion of the kidney continues to function. This operation is called as ‘partial nephrectomy’. Traditional operation is…
Cancers originating from kidneys are called as kidney cancers. They constitute about 3% of adult tumors and generally are encountered in people between 50-70 of age. The treatment of a renal tumor is determined depending on the age, overall health status, and cancer stage of the patient. Initial treatment in kidney cancers with early diagnosis…
Kidneys are organs situated in the posterior part of the abdominal wall on both sides of the spine. Fundamental function of kidneys is to excrete wastes and toxic agents with urine. One of the most important diseases of kidneys is urethropelvic junction stenoses (UPJ obstruction). One of the major reasons behind this condition is known…
Articles Published in Journals That are Listed in The Science Citation Index Review of 1018 cases of undescended testes. Macit,F.,Solok,V.,Tellaloğlu,S.,Öner,A ,Kural,A.,Ander,H. :Prog.reprod.Biol.Med.,vol. l0 ,pp.132-137 ( Karger, Basel, 1984 ) Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in children and adults. Kural AR, Akaydin A, Oner A, Ozbay G, Solok V, Oruc N, Erozenci A. Br J Urol. 1987 May;59(5):383-5 Intravesical…
Nefron Koruyucu cerrahi , video sunumu: AR Kural, O Demirkesen, H Akpınar, C Öbek. * En iyi video ödülü, 17.Ulusal Üroloji kongresi, 5-10 Ekim 2002, Antalya Metastatik prostat kanserinde antiandrojen tedavinin lipid peroksidasyonu ve antioksidan sistemlere etkisi : HA İynem, ZA Alademir, C Öbek, AR Kural, D Konukoğlu, T Akçay. * En iyi 3. Poster…
da Vinci 3D Camera Standard laparoscopic images are obtained by a single camera that provides 2D views. This is a method similar to the view provided by your TV which has no sense of depth. However, da Vinci robotic surgery system is comprised of 2 fiber optic high-resolution cameras extending to your each eye separately….
Kidneys are located in the posterior part of the abdominal cavity on each side of the spine and they filter the blood. Kidney cancers may be studied in 2 parts: parenchymal cancers (region of urine production) and collecting duct system cancers (renal pelvis). We will first touch on parenchyma cancer and then give some information…
Urinary tract stone disease is the most common problem of excretion system after urinary tract inflammations and prostate diseases. An increase has been reported in the incidence of kidney stones during the past 20-30 years. While the obvious reason behind this elevation is not known, it is attributed to changes in dietary habits and lesser…